
Open Source Intelligence

Funded by the ESRC Transformative Research scheme (grant no. ES-R00899X), OSR4Rights breaks new ground by examining how open source research is currently used in human rights investigations, and interrogating whether and how this evidence can be leveraged more systematically for the discovery and documentation of human rights violations in future.

Spacebook Project

The SpaceBook project has pioneered the use of speech-based dialogue to support pedestrian navigation and exploration of urban environments. While there have been many new approaches to this problem, ranging from Google glasses, to more routine multi-modal touch screens, to even haptic interfaces, to our knowledge SpaceBook is the first system to rely solely on natural language speech and text-to-speech responses to support real-time, in situ navigation and exploration of the urban environment. While there has been recent industrial interest in voice-based, mobile city information systems, SpaceBook is unique in pioneering the modeling of the pedestrian's field of view to provide situated speech-based dialogue to support both navigation and exploration.

Assist Project

Understanding public attitudes and community responses to shale gas development is a key social science research area, with relevance for communities directly affected by shale gas projects, for developers’ ‘social license to operate’ and for UK policy on energy and climate change.

The ASSIST (Attitudes to Shale gaS In Space and Time) project is led by academics at Exeter, Stirling, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt and Cardiff Universities. It will shed light on how public responses to shale gas unfold over time at national, regional and local levels. By doing so it will address several gaps in knowledge, providing robust evidence to inform public debate, policy and industry actions.